The greatest wall in New Eden!!
Corp Armoury and Hangar (open feature to all Corps, maybe upgradable via a warbarge system)
= Directors+CEO+TLO have access to stock gear and create Corporate fittings via Corp funds, then these roles along with TCO can have an option to make a Corp squad, doing so replaces each squad members fittings with the Corp fitting list.
This opens options in both training and derping squads

while adding some Corp immersion
PCQ, the same system could apply, where your team then chooses from Corp fittings.
ALL members can donate items to Armoury/Hangar.. only those with roles can alter them
Add customizable skins to Corp fittings and that would be pretty cool.
Corp NotificationsAs a CEO with players across varied timezones.. contact is a pain, you either need to mail the entire Corp, or the 10 you need to contact, or just hang about and catch them online, having a noticeboard viewable by all members where posts can be left by CEO/Directors to make it easier to arrange events and battles with fellow Corps.
Corp RankingsDetermining anything from CP earning. DK bonus. ISK payouts in PCQ.. I'll leave this for the nerds

One thing I would advise is a
Recruit role, as a CEO who helped a long list of newbies.. it's not fun and after doing it for a while becomes the most hopeless grind in Dust.. and repetitive.. So to add a perk for both.. A Corp can have a max of 10? recruits at once, at the cost of them paying 50% higher Tax than Corp rate, they would also receive a bonus to SP earning, upto 10/15mil lifetime. This opens an avenue for newbies to seek Corp help, offers profit for Corps doing it.. and might just increase the turnover in players who beat the grind and continue to game in New Eden..
Planetary ConquestAfter 4 years testing, and now moving to the platform we expect CCP to do well on.. this needs work

- Sec status determining reward and blocking/hindering high level Corps from Attacks/Raids
- Map adjustment, from turret installations, depots, CRUs being essential, anything else added such as the ability to edit infrastructure, move it, remove it. Maybe an option to position the defenders MCC??
- Timers.. to avoid another few years of uber leet Colorado man piles.. Each district controlled by a Corp is active during it's reinforcement timer if it is ONLINE, allowing players to deploy via Nova's battlefinder and keep you busy

This would prevent hoarding multiple timers without the manpower to defend them.. and prevent Circlejerks from controlling things too easily.. and we have all seen how easy that was.. BBAACCKK IINN THHHEE PPPIILLLEEE
- PVE. I am thinking, if a DMG district is ONLINE at 18:00 we and have a certain time frame to harvest materials from murderous drones (lore base - drones seek out non-hostile planets) and this opens up another option of being raidied, while you are tackling drones and imo some seriously fun gameplay
I am really liking that this is being looked at, but before Monetization is brought into the picture, a lot of these should be open game mechanics and not behind paywalls, while I do think CCP should find an angle to profit from Corps I am strongly against them charging for features we had hoped to see a long time ago...
I could go on all day

So Kevall, if there is any specific feedback you want just ask